One man stands over his wife as he screams at her telling her how useless, stupid and fat she is.
Another man in the middle of his work day and sends a text to his wife just to tell her she is beautiful and he loves her.
One man sits in his corner office overlooking a beautiful view alone late at night to provide for his family. As his son sits in a big empty house watching TV alone.
Another man quits him management job that he worked years and years to achieve, and how has started all over at a new job so he can be home when his family gets home.
One man comes in from having a smoke and grabs a beer as he joins his family in front of the TV for dinner as all four of them share one box of Kraft dinner between the four of them.
Another man sells his families second car forcing him to ride a bike to work so he can pay for his child to go to University.
The only difference between one man and another is the choices he makes… what man are you choosing to be.