Sunday, January 27, 2008

A Room With A View...

I am just getting ready for another busy week. There is something I did last night that I have never done before. In my room on my front wall are three large windows. That goes from my bedroom floor to the ceiling, as my bedroom looks over the bay. And last night as big, soft, gentle snow flakes fell from the sky. The view from my room was breath taking. I left the blinds on the window closest to my head open all night and every time I woke up I looked outside. It was amazing!

"A smile is the beginning of peace." - Mother Teresa


Anonymous said...

it really is a wicked awesome view, you should leave your window open more often...:)

Anonymous said...

Focus on the beauty in your life including those for whom you make a difference.

prettytania86 said...

your inspiring
I love what you write
You are a wondeful person