Monday, December 22, 2014

I Don't Need Excuses!

Well it is day one. I was not planning on starting until January 1st.  Recently I have been blessed with someone special in my life. It has given me motivation and hope. It didn’t make sense to wait ten more days. I have waited long enough. Something I have always to the students I work with is “I don’t need excuses, I need results!” It is time to walk the walk and get ready for the next part of my life.

Today I have been active; I have eaten right and officially stopped drinking pop. I have to be honest that I am scared. In the past I have tried to live a healthy live and have failed every time. You may ask what is different about this time, well I am ready. I have more knowledge then before, I have lots of support in my life and I have great reason and motivation.

Don’t get me wrong I know that it is going to be a struggle. I know I will hit many hurtles and I will fall many times.  The best I can do is take it one day at a time, be prepared, and when I fall get right back up!!!

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