Thursday, January 11, 2007

Just Thinking

It has been a little while since I have had the time to even sit and think, never mind time to write my thoughts down. But I am at work right now and I have a little bit of time. So while I think I will type and share with you all what I am thinking.
First off I had the big weigh in yesterday. The bottom line is I did not reach my goal. That was very disappointing. It is not all negative though. I have loss weight every week, even if it is not as much as I wanted to. I have been much more active, I feel better, I have more energy. Most of all I am proud of myself, for the effort I am putting in. I am on my way to much better health.
I have noticed a few things since I have been back to work. It is very hard to get back up to pace. You go from doing nothing at all to a crazy schedule. Everyday I leave my house around 6:45am and do not get home until after 9:30pm most nights. I am finding it extremely difficult to stay on top of everything I need to get done. And I have been very, very tired. Last night I had to fight myself to stay awake long enough to update my web site. This brings me to another topic that is really bugging me. I feel I am relying way too much on my family. I was even told so today by one of them. So I am going to have to set aside time to take care of everything I need to do on my own. This is where I have to work on my time management, and take advantage of the time I have. I am not the best at this but I am going to have to get better. For some reason today all my thoughts seem to be connected. So my last thought brings me to my next. I think that someone in a relationship will achieve more and go farther in life then a single person. It is almost common sense. I think about it in the most basic of ways. If you are single you only have so much time, money, support and resources. But when you are in a good relationship with someone you both share the responsibilities. You have more time due to the fact that you both share the responsibilities of doing things like house hold chores, family commitments, and many others. You would have more money. Two incomes is more then one, pretty simple. And you have someone who is there to support you, someone to share your victories and your struggles with.
I can’t wait for the weekend, where I will have time to regroup. I will be able to complete what I did not have time to do this week, and to get a jump on next week. And if time allows a little time to relax. I just have to make sure I don’t change my schedule and I don’t sleep the whole weekend.

“Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true.” Leon J. Suenes

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