Tuesday, September 18, 2007

And Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They say every journey starts with a single step; mine started this morning with a single shake. I have to be honest it was thick, rich and tasty. But that was two hours ago and I am starving. According to what is going on at work it may not be the best day to start but I am. And yes it is now 9 o’clock and I am starving!!!!!!

So I have now had shake number two. I have noticed that about one hour after I have the shake I feel like I am starving to death. I am going to have to keep very busy. I am going to need to keep my mind off the hunger and food. Today a student I work with kept asking me to try his Jello. This is a good thing that he wants to share with me, but it was hard to explain why I can’t eat it. I am also not going to be doing any working out or and more physical activity than I have to. I am going to have to ride my bike home but that is all for today.

“Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.” Winston Churchill

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