Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Obesity Treatment or Diet?

Everything is going good so far, besides for being sick and experiencing a few difficulties with the obesity treatment. Let me explain with I call this obesity treatment and not a diet. To me a diet is something someone would do to lose certain about of weight by a certain time. I always hear about people that are on a diet who will cheat or “reward” themselves with thing they know will not help their diet. The third and final thing I think of them I hear about a diet is that it is accessible to anyone, well for a price. Now for the obesity treatment I am going through. If I had cancer I would not cheat on my radiation treatment, or I would not cheat on my insulin if I was a diabetic. So it makes no sense to cheat on my obesity treatment. You may say there is a huge difference between those two diseases and obesity. I would say you’re wrong you can die for cancer and you can die from obesity. As for diabetes you probably know this is not a disease for skinny people generally. I would consider diabetes a symptom of obesity. Also the treatment I am receiving in under close supervision of an Obesity Doctor, Dietitian, Social Worker and a Kinesiology. You need to be referred to the clinic by your family doctor.

Last night was my weekly meeting and weigh in. I will not be posting my weight loss on here mainly because I know people from my group read this and we don’t discuss our weight loss. Don’t want it to become a completion and everyone’s weight will come off in different amounts. I know I would feel somewhat discouraged if in a week I don’t lose a lot I have to hear about someone who did. But I not weigh in the 300 for the first time in over five years.

Some people have told me that they have been having problems leaving comments. After you type your comment make sure you select “Other” it you want to sign your name or make one up. If you don’t want any name to show up make sure you select anonymous. If you are still having problem please email me at corey.pearce@gmail.com to let me know. Thank you kindly.

"People think I'm disciplined. It is not discipline. It is devotion. There is a great difference." Luciano Pavarotti 1935-2007 Opera Singer

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