Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I AM BACK ! ! !

Well it has been a very long time since I have written in my blog. But I am about to start my journey through obesity treatment. I will be going on the Optifast Program starting a week today. It is a low calorie diet, and an intensive educational program.
There are many steps I have already taken to live a healthier life style. I have taken my car off the road, which has stopped me from using fast food drive troughs, it forces me to walk to the bus, ride my bike or walk to where I need to go. I have stopped drinking alcohol. This is only hard in some social settings. Since returning to work I have been using the fitness centre every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Every morning I take my bike on the city bus to work. I arrive about one hour before I start and I go to the fitness centre and do an abdominal work out. After work I ride my bike the eleven kilometres ride home. I have also given away my TV. I don't want to be the person who sits in front of the TV for hours. Along with not have a TV I don’t have the internet at home. This stops me from just sitting in front on the computer for hours and not getting anything done. I have access to the internet at work, at friends and families, local Colleges and libraries and at a lot of business in the area. It almost makes no sense to pay forty dollars a month or more for something you can use for free.

"Sometimes you have to give up what you have to get what you want." Lindsay Doyle

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