Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Breaking Through The Bug.

I think I am starting to get over my sickness. I have not really been hungry, but I have had cravings. Like today when I went to check the mail and there was a KFC flyer in my mailbox. I am starting to notice a connection between food and great memories. For example when it comes to KFC it reminds me of my Father, and a lot of great times we have spent together. Sometimes when we would go fishing when I was a child we would have KFC. Also places and activities remind me of food. I was at my Mothers watching TV and there was nothing really on and I was kind of bored. I noticed that right away I thought of eating. I don’t feel that it is the location but the activity. I have cable here at my place but I had my brother take the TV I had out. There are a few reasons for this. The main one being that I didn’t want to be the person who just sits around the house watching TV, even when there is nothing on TV to watch. Since he took the TV out my house is clean a lot of the time, I am more physically active, and I find that I am more productive. Now sometime if I really want to watch TV I walk over to my Brothers place or go to a friend’s. This takes the boredom away because if there is nothing on TV you have someone to talk to. The other reason I don’t watch cable TV here is there is way too many food related commercials and cooking shows.

"If you doubt you can accomplish something, then you can't accomplish it. You have to have confidence in your ability, and then be tough enough to follow through." Rosalynn Carter - Former American First Lady

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Corey, I just want to say how very proud that I am of you... you are one very special man who can accomplish anything he puts his mind to. Despite all the things that have gone on, please remember that I am always here to talk to if you need a symphathetic ear. I miss our chats and those big teddy bear arms wrapped around me. Stay Strong, Keep smiling and remember that when your ready, I wanna do the stairs! Miss ya Big Daddy!